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Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Māori Health
OCANZ Cultural Safety Training for Optometrists Online Training Program
From 1 July 2023, all candidates undertaking the Competency in Optometry Examination are required to complete the online Cultural Safety Training program prior to progressing to the clinical examination component.
OCANZ supports equitable access and outcomes to eye care services for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori peoples, without stigma, racism and fear, and the right to equitable outcomes from care. Our aim is to ensure that optometrists entering the workforce from university and overseas are equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide culturally safe care. Teaching cultural safety as a foundation for learning about First Nation’s Peoples health, and equitable and quality eye health care for First Nation’s Peoples in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand is essential to support optometrists to play their role in achieving culturally safe practice.
The OCANZ Cultural Safety Training for Optometrists online program has been adapted for all overseas qualified optometrists as part of the examination process with the Optometry Council of Australian and New Zealand. This program has a strong focus on applied safety in optometry practice which is both clinically- and culturally- framed.
This Cultural Safety Training Program provides foundation knowledge as part of an ongoing learning journey to provide safer, culturally responsive optometry care.
It is important to remember that there is no end point for cultural safety practice, rather it is a commitment of lifelong learning, ongoing critical self-reflection and taking active steps to manage risk in the provision of cultural safety healthcare.
For more information about the OCANZ Cultural Safety Training for Optometrists online program please visit Cultural Safety Training for Optometrists Online Training Program - OCANZ