
Programs of Study Accreditation Details

Education Provider:

Australian College of Optometry

Program Type: Certificate
Program Length: 1 year
Qualification: Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited with conditions
Approval End Date: 31/12/2029
  1. The ACO must commission a review of the program that includes external academic and professional input.  The 2022 Annual Report to OCANZ must provide a report on the review process and outcomes and advise as to how the review’s recommendations, if any, are being addressed on an ongoing basis.
  2. The 2021 annual report to OCANZ must provide a strategy and plan for implementing cultural competence into the ACO-COT which includes how foundational skills in cultural safety and health issues specific to First Nations Peoples will be integrated into the program.  The 2022 annual report to OCANZ must report on implementation of the plan. 
  3. In time for the 2022 cohort, the program is to enhance its current guidance to oral examiners by developing and training the examiners in the use of a detailed marking rubric for the oral examination.  The 2022 Annual Report to OCANZ must provide details of the changes made.

Update: OCANZ deemed Conditions 1, 2 and 3 has been met in February 2023.

Update: OCANZ has deemed all conditions have been met.

Accreditation Report Summary: Download


Education Provider:

Deakin University

Program Type: Bachelor Degree / Masters Degree
Program Length: 3.5 years
Qualification: Bachelor of Vision Science / Master of Optometry
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited
Approval End Date: 31/07/2027
Accreditation Report Summary:  Download


Education Provider:

Flinders University

Program Type: Bachelor Degree / Masters Degree
Program Length: 3.5 years
Qualification: Bachelor of Science (Vision Science) / Master of Optometry
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited with two conditions
Approval End Date: 30/06/2030


1a) The optometry program will be required to notify OCANZ when the new curriculum is approved and provide an interim report outlining the curriculum changes (by 31 August 2022)

b)   The 2022 Annual Report must detail:

  • The strategy for implementation of the new curriculum, including resourcing and staff professional development, and
  • Progress against the implementation of the new curriculum, including the impact of curriculum changes to the program of study

c)    The 2023 Annual Report must detail:

  • The strategy for implementation of the new curriculum, including resourcing and staff professional development, and
  • Progress against the implementation of the new curriculum, including the impact of curriculum changes to the program of study.


2a) The 2022 Annual Report to OCANZ must report on progress on the implementation of the Flinders optometry cultural competence plan outlined in the reaccreditation submission.

b) The 2023 Annual Report to OCANZ must report on progress on the implementation of the Flinders optometry cultural competence plan outlined in the reaccreditation submission.

The Discipline is required, within its annual report, to include any changes made to the program in the preceding year and describe any significant changes to the resources allocated to the program during that year.

Update: OCANZ deemed Conditions 1 a, 1 b and 2a has been met in February 2023. 

Update: OCANZ deemed Conditions 1c and 2b has been met in February 2024.

Update: OCANZ has deemed all conditions have been met.

Accreditation Report Summary:  Download


Education Provider:

Queensland University of Technology

Program Type: Bachelor Degree / Masters Degree
Program Length: 5 years
Qualification: Bachelor of Vision Science / Master of Optometry
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited
Approval End Date: 31/12/2030
Accreditation Report Summary: Download


Education Provider:

University of Auckland

Program Type: Bachelor Degree
Program Length: 5 years
Qualification: Bachelor of Optometry
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited with conditions
Approval End Date: 31/12/2025

1.a. The 2018 Annual Report must provide an account of the implementation and impact of curriculum changes up to Part III (Year 3) of the program of study

  b. The 2019 Annual Report must provide an account of the implementation and impact of curriculum changes up to Part IV (Year 4) of the program of study

  c.  The 2020 Annual Report must provide an account of the implementation and impact of curriculum changes up to Part V (Year 5) of the program of study

2.  The 2019 Annual Report must provide an account of the outcomes of the strategies to continue to ensure and, where appropriate, to increase the quantity and diversity of clinical experiences offered to students, noting in particular the pending closure of Tamaki clinic.

Update: OCANZ deemed Condition 1a has been met in February 2019 and Condition 1b and 2 have been met in February 2020.

Update: OCANZ has deemed all conditions have been met.

Accreditation Report Summary: Download


Education Provider:

University of Canberra

Program Type: Bachelor of Vision Science & Master of Optometry
Program Length: 5 years 
Qualification: Bachelor of Vision Science / Master of Optometry 
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited with three conditions
Approval End Date: 30/06/2031

Condition 1

The 2023 annual report to OCANZ must provide a plan on how the Discipline will seek ongoing external academic input to improve the program. This report must include external input on ways in which program is delivering content in: contact lenses, paediatrics (including myopia control), binocular vision, low vision, therapeutics, glaucoma, medical retina and anterior eye.

Condition 2

The 2023 Annual Report to OCANZ must provide a) an appropriate staffing plan, including the planned appointments of a level B (shared education/clinical educator), Level C and Level D academics, and report to OCANZ any changes and justifications of those changes, to this plan and b) an appropriate plan to develop robust senior management within the optometry discipline.

Condition 3

The 2023 Annual Report to OCANZ must report on external moderation of assessments of fitness to practice within the Master of Optometry program, and how the program has integrated this requirement into its program.

Accreditation Report Summary: Download


Education Provider:

University of Melbourne

Program Type: Master Degree
Program Length: 4 years
Qualification: Doctor of Optometry 
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited
Approval End Date: 31/12/2031
Accreditation Report Summary: Download


Education Provider:

University of New South Wales

Program Type: Bachelor Degree / Masters Degree
Program Length: 5 Years
Qualification: Bachelor of Vision Science / Masters of Clinical Optometry
Accreditation Information  
Program Status: Accredited with one Condition
Approval End Date: 31/12/2027

1a) A 30 June 2020 interim report to OCANZ must detail the strategy for implementation of the UNSW optometry cultural competence plan which addresses:

i) The need to re-distribute teaching strategies for addressing cultural competency in healthcare throughout undergraduate and postgraduate programs, specifically commencing earlier in the undergraduate program

ii) The provision of cultural competency training for School of Optometry and Vision Science academic and professional staff

iii) Planned attendance at professional program update meetings on the issues of cultural competency in healthcare, including teaching strategies

iv) Ensuring that the requirements of the Optometry Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework approved by OCANZ in October 2018 (effective 01 January 2019) are met through current and future teaching strategies to address cultural competency in healthcare.

In addition, the UNSW implementation plan must include details of:

v) How senior leadership and resources are being allocated to champion and address these issues and effect curricular change in the program.

1b) The 2020 Annual Report to OCANZ must report on progress against the implementation plan.

1c) The 2021 Annual Report to OCANZ must report on progress against the implementation plan.   

Update: OCANZ deemed Condition 1a has been met in August 2020 and Condition 1b has been met in March 2021. 

Update: OCANZ has deemed the condition has been met.                                   

Accreditation Report Summary:  Download


Education Provider:

University of New South Wales

Program Type: Graduate Certificate
Program Length: 1 year
Qualification: Graduate Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited
Approval End Date: 31/12/2032
Accreditation Report Summary: Download


Education Provider:

University of Western Australia

Program Type: Masters Degree
Program Length: 3 year
Qualification: Doctor of Optometry
Accreditation Information
Program Status: Accredited with five conditions
Approval End Date: 31/12/2024


UWA is required to undergo a site visit by the assessment team at the start of 2023 to:

  • view preclinical and clinical facilities and other teaching spaces
  • interview a sample of the first and second cohort of students about the program
  • interview nominated staff about the program, particularly new appointments
  • interview prospective clinical residency program supervisors who have completed the online training
  • review arrangements for third year clinical rotations
  • speak to the optometry leadership group about any of the conditions of accreditation.

To inform the visit, UWA must before end December 2022:

  • provide the completed web-based clinical residency supervisor training, outlining how the training will support adequate supervision of students on placement and inform any mechanisms for feedback to UWA on student performance.
  • confirm which elements of the proposed UWA optometry cultural safety program for students have been implemented and detail a timeframe for remaining components, as well as documenting which staff teaching in the optometry program have completed training in cultural safety and participated in any available on-country experiences.
  • provide a table updating staffing numbers, staff qualifications, fractions and level of appointments, and roles in the program       
  • detail the 10 OSCEs to be conducted at the end of final year, including providing marking rubrics and advising any red flags
  • outline the cohort results for the first, and if available, second years of teaching
  • provide an update if the planned build of any facilities has been delayed, and if so, report on contingency actions
  • advise any program development initiated by UWA since the Stage 2 assessment by the assessment team.


In June 2022, the program must report to OCANZ that the program is meeting or exceeding implementation of the program’s planned staff numbers as outlined to OCANZ in the Stage 2 submission supplementary report of 20 October 2021, table titled UWA Optometry Current and Future recruitment.  The report should also address how the recruitment of staff and/or the redistribution of staff duties are ensuring the robustness and continuity of program delivery in the face of any planned and/or unplanned full-time or fractional staffing changes. 


At the end of the Year 3, Trimester 1 (May 2023), at the end of Year 3, Trimester 2 (August 2023), and prior to reaccreditation (December 2023) the program must

  1. provide aggregated data drawn from Meditrek data plus a short analysis and commentary on the number and diversity of patients being seen by the first cohort of students.  The report must encompass all areas of clinical practice including general examinations, therapeutic management, and special areas of clinical practice such as contact lenses, paediatric, binocular vision and low vision management. The data must include which student encounters are observational, partial or full examinations under supervision. The discipline must also outline how any failure of the clinical residential placement program to meet the agreed diversity of experiences for particular students is being managed.
  2. provide in a table all the clinical residency placement sites for each student in the first cohort (de-identified) including: the site type (UWA, corporate, independent, ophthalmology etc.), if external to UWA the name and qualifications of the supervisor/s (including if therapeutically qualified), the length of placement and if the site is offering students participative and/or management experiences in any special clinical areas (including low vision, contact lenses and paediatrics).


The OSCEs to be held for the first cohort at the end of the program (November 2023) are to have significant involvement of independent external assessors acceptable to OCANZ.  OCANZ will send one assessment team member to observe the delivery of the final OSCES.


The reaccreditation submission (due 31 December 2023) must include a report on a formal review of the ways in which program is delivering content in:

Contact lenses


Myopia management

Binocular Vision

Low vision



This review is to address the volume of learning and patient management in each area and the efficacy of integrating it vertically (separation across years) and horizontally (across units) throughout the program. This review is to include external input.

The assessment team recommends a full site visit in early 2024 for the purposes of assessing the program for reaccreditation.  This timing will allow OCANZ to assess the outcomes for the first cohort of students entering the program.

The Discipline is required, within its annual report, to include any changes made to the program in the preceding year and describe any significant changes to the resources allocated to the program during that year.

UPDATE: OCANZ deemed Condition 2 has been met in August 2022.

UPDATE: OCANZ deemed Condition 1 met in May, 2023.

UPDATE: After 2023 site visit, the accreditation date has been extended to 31 December 2024.

Update: OCANZ deemed Condition 4 has been met in February 2024.

Accreditation Report Summary: Download